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She didn't ask to be a zombie. It was just something stupid she let happen. Now, she has to hang out with unsavory characters who don't like her very much. And they stink, not to mention eat people.

She's become part of the tribe though, and there's no escaping it.

Not until the tribe takes on a harvesting assignment. And the man they're harvesting, well, she wasn't prepared for what he would do to her.

Now, more than ever, she wants a different life. But how can you get a different life when you're already dead?

This is the first of the series "Tales of the Zombie Apocalypse," and it looks to the first full novel in the series, Some of Us are Dead the unpublished journal of a zombie who's trying to stay sane in a crazy world.

Can zombies feel? Can they think? Do they have souls?

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Zombie Apocalypse Tale:

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